The Coop Scoop
Giving you the dirt on all things raising chickens, gardening, composting, and living sustainably!
15 Easy DIY Garden Markers
Whether you are new to gardening or are just like me and constantly forget which leaves are parsley versus which are cilantro, adding garden labels to your plants helps to not only beautify a garden, but also helps you remember what you have planted!
To help get you started, here are 15 easy and cheap DIY garden markers you can add to your own garden!
Fantastic Coops and Where to Find Them
What makes for easy chicken raising? Having a coop you and your girls love! Creating a space you love to spend time in or around will make keeping chickens so much more enjoyable (as if they do not make it enjoyable on their own). Check out these ten fantastic chicken...
Chicken First Aid Kit- Why You Should Have One and What to Include
To give your chickens their best chance at survival when something goes wrong, it is a good idea to be prepared by having a fully stocked Poultry First Aid Kit.
Below you will find an alphabetical list* of things we incorporate in our first aid kits.
Spices and Herbs That Are Good for Chickens
If you raise backyard chickens, chances are you love to spoil them. We have such a fun time feeding our flock grapes and other treats, but did you know your “spoiling” of your flock can be beneficial to their health?
Adding small amounts of these herbs is a great way to boost your chickens’ overall health!
How to care for Bumblefoot in chickens.
Bumblefoot (ulcerative pododermatitis) is a Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bacterial infection in poultry and other birds caused by damage to tissue on their feet.
I accidentally froze a chicken egg with the shell…can I still eat it?
This morning, my mom Googled, “I accidentally placed a chicken egg in the freezer…is it still okay to eat?” (And yes, I am still laughing about this)
Mop Bucket Shenanigans: One Farmer’s Tale of Her Crazy Chickens’ Chosen Nest Box
Sometimes I laugh to think about what must have gone through my Buff Orphington–Lily’s–head the first time she decided to lay in the mop bucket.
Unique Egg Stash
“I am not sure why the Easter Bunny is a bunny. Chickens are much better at hiding eggs.”
Christmas Tree Jungle Gym
The lights have been taken down, the Christmas music has stopped playing and all that is left is your tree. What to do with your amazing-smelling Douglas fir which brought you so much joy—glistening in your living room, decorated floor to ceiling in glittering lights...
Chicken Companions
My memories of raising chickens are happy ones. My parents would bring us three siblings to the feed store, where they would sell chicks each spring in a long row of boxes, one for each breed. They stuck a picture of each full grown chicken on the box so we could see...
Life Lessons from Chickens
The great thing about raising chickens was the satisfaction of routine and consistency, and the ultimate payout of fresh eggs. It was the same familiar, exciting process every year: Each spring we would return to the feed store and pick out another chick. One year,...
Chicken Funeral
We had a chicken funeral once, which was most memorable because my little brother almost burned out my eye with a stick of incense. Our dad was trying to teach us a Chinese tradition that he had learned as a kid: At a funeral you light incense, hold it between...
Victory Garden Rooster
During World War II, in the early 1940s, I was just a little girl. My dad was in the Navy, stationed in the South Pacific, and my mom, grandmother, brother and I lived in San Diego. Everyone I knew had “Victory Gardens,” to grow a lot of our own food, since so much...
House Chicken
We had a hen we called House Chicken. She thought she belonged in the house! She would walk right into the house with the dogs and lie down, just like them. Sometimes she walked under the dogs as they came in, trying not to be noticed. Trying to get her to go...
Sly Elvis
We had a white rooster named Elvis, who would lie in wait, then run out and knock down our neighbor’s 1-year-old daughter. Elvis would not attack unless he could do it on the sly. It was like playing Red Light, Green Light: Red Light, if we looked at him, he would...
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