Recommended Books

Recommended Books

Recommended Books Congratulations! You have decided to learn to raise chickens, garden, homestead, live more sustainably…but where do you start? In effort to help you with easy chicken raising and easy gardening, we have done the research for you! This is a living...
Beak Injuries in Chickens

Beak Injuries in Chickens

Beak Injuries in Chickens Beak injuries are common among chickens and are generally the result of fighting with a predator or another chicken, trying to flee from a scary situation, or just a clumsy chicken doing everyday tasks. Every so often, you may find one of...
Caring for Chickens in the Spring

Caring for Chickens in the Spring

Caring for Chickens in the Spring If you live in a colder climate, you may be thrilled to see spring roll around. No more trekking through snow to change water and feed your flock! BUT…warmer weather does not mean less responsibility with your flock. Check out these...