We hope you’ll find joy and a wealth of information to be successful chicken farmers and gardeners.

Global poverty can be beaten one community at a time. We invite you to join us in our international mission to improve food security in the US and around the world — home by home, community by community.

Life, Love, & Chickens

Everyone has a chicken story; read and submit funny, helpful and meaningful stories here on our blog.

Chicken TV

From chickens in tutus to weird egg science, Chicken TV has something for all ages.

About Us

We provide open-source, ad-free and fun chicken info to improve food security everywhere.


We are non-profit & run on donations. Would like to help our cause? Please consider donating.

Raising Chickens

Raising chickens does not have to be challenging.  Check out our guides for basic tips for easy chicken raising.


Check out our 2021 Chicken’s Got Talent competition and other contest winners!

Life, Love, & Chickens

Recent Additions to the Blog

Scenes From the Farm…

(661) 523-3820


P.O. Box 80620, Phoenix, AZ 85060-0620

Chickens.org is a program of Capax World, a 501-c-3 charity dedicated to sustainably alleviating malnutrition and poverty.